Jeff Alan Rogers
Jeff Alan Rogers

Guest Author

Jeff Alan Rogers is a life-long poet and veteran pedagogue, who’s not afraid to share his faith verse by verse or teach those who dare to learn and remember.

Born in the austerity of the late 50s, raised in the turbulence of the 60s and 70s, and born again in the late 80s, Jeff Alan Rogers has been voraciously writing gospel poetry for the last 30 years. See

Pedagogically speaking, for the better part of 3 decades, Jeff Alan Rogers taught and administrated in both public and private school settings, in 4 west-region states, over most all required subjects, and at all grade levels. Besides specializing in English Language Arts, Jeff Alan Rogers also worked extensively with at-risk, secondary-level students with learning, mental and emotional issues.

As a recovering parent, as a retired educator, and as someone who has seen a great deal of heartache in the personal and social worlds of both adults and children, Jeff has a great deal to say about what he sees that is wrong and needs to be fixed and he's not afraid to say it. Jeff loves people, and he always wants what is best for them.

Jeff thanks you most for joining him in this never-ending pursuit to help others be the best they can and want to be.