Benefits of Equine Assisted Therapy for Teens Reinforced in Studies
Benefits of Equine Assisted Therapy for Teens...

Benefits of Equine Assisted Therapy for Teens Reinforced in Studies Equine therapy has existed one way or another for centuries. It has been used to treat a...

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Trust Based Relational Intervention
Trust Based Relational Intervention

Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) is a therapeutic model that trains caregivers to provide effective support and treatment for at-risk children --...

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ADD and ADHD Treatments and Solutions for Troubled Teenage Girls
ADD and ADHD Treatments and Solutions for...

ADD and ADHD - Symptoms, Treatment, Causes, and Solutions for Troubled Teen Girls Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity disorder are...

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Deep Dive Into Drug Abuse and Treatment for Teenage Girls
Deep Dive Into Drug Abuse and Treatment for...

Drug and Alcohol Treatment for Troubled Teenage Girls Drug and alcohol addiction is an epidemic that affects all demographics here in America. However, the...

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Mental Health Disorders in Teenage Girls
Mental Health Disorders in Teenage Girls

What is Mental Health Disorder?  The World Health Organization (WHO) defines mental and emotional health disorders as a wide spectrum of mental...

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A Brief Deep Dive into Animal Assisted Therapy for Troubled Teens
A Brief Deep Dive into Animal Assisted Therapy...

What is Animal-Assisted Therapy?  Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) is a clinically proven therapy that involves patient interaction with animals. AAT falls...

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Not by Chance Chapter One
Not by Chance Chapter One

CHAPTER 1: ALL OR NOTHING: WHAT IT TAKES TO SUCCEED  The following is a brief summarization of the first chapter in our weekly analysis of Dr. Tim...

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Why Residential Treatment is Necessary for Treating Addiction
Why Residential Treatment is Necessary for...

Why Professional Help Is Necessary for Treating Teen Addiction Juvenile drug use is more prevalent in today's American culture than ever. With America's...

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