

"All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God can be complete, equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16-17 HCSB

God’s promises are found in a book like no other. And make no mistakes: His promises are, quite simply, the cornerstone of the Christian faith. We must trust those promises and build our lives upon them. Without this trust…without this faith, we live lives as monsters or minnows.

The Bible is a priceless gift-a tool for Christians to use every day. Yet, too many of us put away our spiritual toolkits and seek out and rely on the world’s promises.

The world makes promises it doesn’t keep. Conversely, God keeps every single one of His promises. On Him, you can depend.

So how will you respond to God’s promises? Will you treat your Bible as a one-of-a-kind guidebook for life here on earth and life eternal in heaven? And will you let your Creator speak to you through His Holy Word? Hopefully so, because the Lord has given you all the tools you need to accomplish His plan for your life.

He placed every instruction you’ll need in the book He wrote. The choice is yours. Are you willing or are you unwilling?

“The Reference Point for the Christian is the Bible. All values, judgments, and attitudes must be gauged in relationship to this Reference Point.” - Ruth Bell Graham

Our Prayer: Dear Lord, the Bible is Your gift to me; thank You. When I stray from Your holy Word, Father, I suffer. I don’t want to suffer anymore. Place Your Word at the very center of my life so that I may be protected and blessed. Make me a faithful student of Your Word. Amen. by following in the footsteps of Your Son, and let others see Him through me. Amen.

Today's Promise was provided by "365 Daily Promises and Prayers for Women," by Worthy Inspired (April 24, 2012). This 365 daily devotional for women will remind you of the eternal promises found in God's Word and draw you closer with prayer each day (order your copy here).

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Admin User

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