
THE PROMISE: Jesus Offers a Brand of Contentment that the World CANNOT Provide

"Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28 KJV

Everywhere we turn, or so it seems, the world promises us contentment and happiness. “If only” … If only you had this … did this … looked like this … you would be happy. None of that is real. You know that, right?

The contentment that the world offers is fleeting and incomplete. Thankfully, the contentment that God offers is all-encompassing and everlasting.

Happiness depends less upon our circumstances and more upon our thoughts. This Truth is one of the biggest reasons for Guiding Principle #9. If you speak gratitude every day, watch how your world changes!

When you turn your thoughts to God, to His gifts, and to His glorious creation, you experience the joy that God intends for you.

But, when you focus on the negative parts of your life or when you betray yourself-you cause needless suffering.

Do you sincerely want to be happy? It’s a fair question based on how you are behaving. When you break the rules…do you sincerely want to be happy? When you talk about people behind their back…do you sincerely want to be happy?

When you choose to do what you want and not what you can or what you should…do you sincerely want to be happy? You can’t talk your way out of something you behaved your way into. You need to behave your way into happiness.

You must trust God’s promises, and you must focus your thoughts upon His love, His grace, and His Son. God’s grace is a gift He has given you and all of us that believe in Jesus Christ. We can’t earn it and we don’t deserve it.

A personal relationship with Jesus Christ provides the gift of eternal salvation. Claim that joy! Claim that contentment! Claim that gift!

“How happy we are when we realize that He is responsible, that He goes before, that goodness and mercy shall follow us!” - Lettie Cowman

Our Prayer: Dear Lord, let me find contentment and balance. Let Your priorities be my priorities, and when I have done my best, give me the wisdom to place my faith and my trust in You. Amen.

Today's Promise was provided by "365 Daily Promises and Prayers for Women," by Worthy Inspired (April 24, 2012). This 365 daily devotional for women will remind you of the eternal promises found in God's Word and draw you closer with prayer each day (order your copy here).

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