

"Let us hold on to the confession of our hope without wavering for He who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23 HCSB

The Bible contains promises upon which you, as a believer, can depend. When the Creator of the universe makes a promise to you, He will keep it. No exceptions.

You can kind of think of the bible as a written contract between you and the guy who created the moon and the stars and the ocean and the mountains…aka your heavenly Father. When you fulfill your obligations to Him, the Lord will most certainly deliver on His promise to you.

What’s your obligation? Belief in Jesus.

When we welcome God’s Son into our hearts, the Father promises us the opportunity to experience contentment, peace, and spiritual abundance. But more importantly, God promises that the priceless gift of eternal life will be ours. God is for you!

With God on our side, we have absolutely nothing to fear in this world and everything to hope for in the next.

Shake the dust from your past and move forward in His promises.

- Kay Arthur

A Prayer: Dear Lord, Your holy Word contains promises, and I will trust them. I will use the Bible as my guide, and I will trust You, Lord, to speak to me through Your Holy Spirit and through Your holy Word, this day and forever. Amen.

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Admin User
Admin User

Content writer