
I don't know Nate and Christy Johnson personally, but it seems like I do. I was connected to Nate for the first time several years back. By fate, I received a word from God through Nate about LEGACY and FAMILIES, AND I KNEW... I can't explain it; I JUST KNEW. In that first word from Nate, I knew it was a message from a loving father ready to help me through what I call a cleansing by fire.

Shortly after connecting to, God SUDDENLY WOKE ME UP in the middle of the night, and I blurted out loud, "SURFERS PARADISE." God showed me a HUGE WAVE, a real surfers paradise, and since I have come to know it to be the wave GOD's GRACE. Wake up, the WORLD IS ABOUT TO BE HIT WITH WAVE AFTER WAVE AFTER WAVE of God's Grace, which is His absolute goodness. 

I follow Nate and Christy, and I recommend you do too!

The last three years have been AMAZING, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I will spare you the details today, but CRUSHING would be one word to describe it. Yet, during the most difficult time of my life, God provided gifts of Grace along the way to strengthen and encourage me. These Grace gifts are living bread from the TREE OF LIFE. Join Nate and Christy JohnsonThe word flowing from Nate & Christy have been like a feast of living bread with lots of wine poured in - Grace gifts directly from the HEART OF A LOVING FATHER. 

I am incredibly thankful for all God has done through my wife and me, our home, and our ministry. We made it by the GRACE OF GOD. This word from Nate Johnson today exemplifies the BREAD FROM HEAVEN. It is so beautiful; it reveals the absolute goodness of God.

Let it wash over you, yes! But it's meant to RIDE LIKE A WAVE, Grace upon Grace, for we have entered a SURFERS PARADISE.

It seems Nate & Christy have a spy in my home, office, and heart. HOW DO THEY KNOW? It's uncanny. Even though I don't know them, through the word of God, Nate & Christy are like my best friends, my confidant, and even my Grace Coaches. The connection is a beautiful example of God's OUTRAGEOUS love for us.Learn more about Nate & Christy Johnson

It is such an honor to republish Nate & Christy's latest prophetic post from Please enjoy it; I did (you have no idea!)

The following excerpt is found on published on December 2nd, 2022:


I want to prophesy over God’s people today who have been on the sidelines, especially the voices, prophets, preachers, and pioneers—those who carry a message that hasn’t yet been heard.

Generally, these are simply those born with spiritual keys and blueprints beyond their time and they have had to walk through a myriad of uncomfortable and painful experiences to faithfully steward this call. For years now God keeps saying “Look to the wilderness,” because what these ones carry is so precious and pure due to the intense refining they have had to endure.

If I’m speaking to you already, then this word is simply to encourage you and remind you that regardless of what you see, this is your time!DUE SEASON IS UPON YOU!

Learn More About GRACE: The Parent Survival KitWe have so often heard the overuse of phrases such as “This is your time!” or “You were born for such a time as this!” to the point that when it actually is “Our time” we don’t believe it or value it as we should.

I feel like God wants to really drive something home to you starting today and into the years to come - THIS REALLY IS YOUR TIME! That’s right. More than ever before we are in a time called “DUE SEASON”. Did you really think that all the years behind you would amount to nothing?

Did you really think that God would overlook you? This is your due season and the fulfillment of time for those who have been in waiting and worship.


As I’ve been writing for the Emerging Voices Collective (which launches in the New Year) I’ve been having constant revelation bubbling up from my spirit about how God is revealing—and about to reveal—sons and daughters. It’s the outpouring of FULL ACCEPTANCE that comes as a response to the cries of the earth for sons and daughters! (Romans 8:19)

Romans 8:15 says this; “And you did not receive the 'spirit of religious duty,' leading you back into the fear of never being good enough. But you have received the 'Spirit of full acceptance,' enfolding you into the family of God."

So much of the baggage and bondage that we as voices carry, such as rejection, dishonor, and control/abuse can be remedied by the full acceptance and love of the Father; which is why He is doing that right now in us. Notice this scripture points to being enfolded into a “family” of God, not a Christian club or network.

It has to be real. It has to be a safe place and authentically relational. And yes I know this scripture is referring to something more deeply intimate with the Lord not people, but there is something God is doing in REAL families right now to apply the healing balm of the acceptance of God to those who have been outcasts their whole lives.

This is the revival I see coming to the Church and the personal revival that God is bringing to you in this hour.

Please continue to read and enjoy this incredible prophetic word on CLICK HERE.

About the Author:
Craig Rogers
Craig Rogers

Grace Coach

Craig Rogers has been a Christ-centered leader in the...

Craig Rogers has been a Christ-centered leader in the behavioral health industry for the past 25 plus years. Craig Rogers is an...