
There are many factions, cultural differences, religious beliefs, and political ideologies that separate human beings. However, no matter our creed, color, or hill we as humans proverbially choose to die on, there is one fundamental truth to every one of us that is inherent to our diverse and personal life experience: we all want to be successful.

What if there was a way to tap into ourselves and achieve success? Surely, if there was such a formula to achieve success, it would be world-famous and undoubtedly complex enough to dissuade the average laymen from attempting to apply it to their own life.

Believe it or not, while it is undoubtedly world-famous, the New York Times best-selling book known as ‘The Miracle Morning’ has helped millions of people worldwide apply such a formula to their own lives. And, while it does take considerable effort, the process is actually a surprisingly simple six-step morning routine that its avid readers emphatically stand by.

But first, a little bit about me: I am not, nor have ever been, a big believer in self-help books. No offense to those who believe in “The Secret,” but I find the very premise of most self-help books to be “for the birds.”

However, recently, I was given a copy of a book called ‘The Miracle Morning" by my mentor, whose opinion and mentorship I do believe in (who also generally shares my skeptical sentiments regarding anything selling a fix-all for life’s challenges and existentially eluding answers). Needless to say, my interest was piqued, and I took him up on his offer to read the book.

Upon researching and reading up on the Miracle Morning, I was very intrigued by its simplicity and practical life-applications. So much, in fact, that I read the entirety of the book over the duration of a weekend.

What’s more, I was so impressed and moved by its contents I have decided to go full-in and document my journey as I re-read and follow the book’s six-morning rituals known as ‘The Miracle Morning Life S.A.V.E.R.S.’:

Silence. Start every morning with a period of purposeful Silence of at least 5 minutes.

Affirmations. Program yourself to be confident and successful in everything you do

Visualization. Imagine what you want to achieve and mentally rehearse what you’ll need to do to achieve it.

Exercise. Lots of it.

Reading. Learn from the experts and model successful people who have already achieved what you want.

Scribing. The-Miracle-

In the coming weeks, I will document and share the results of my journey.

As excited as I am to embark on this experimental journey, I must admit it is not without feelings of trepidation.

My main apprehension is that the author Hal Elrod recommends to his readers to start their morning LIFESAVER routine at the ungodly hour of 4:30.

Let me preface by stating that I spent my late teens and early 20’s competing in Mixed Martial Arts professionally.While I have since retired, I still remain steadfast in my training and consider the boxing ring and wrestling mats to be my home away from home. Suffice it to say, I am no stranger to the world of discipline.

Anecdotal caveats aside, at no point in my varying degrees of intense dedication to physical activity have I ever braved the spartan feat of regularly rising from bed before 5 AM. The very thought of dedicating a regimen of such masochistic structure makes me ill even thinking about it. That said, sleep be darned; I am a man of my word.