
What Is Christian Counseling and How Can it Help Troubled Teenage Girls From Estero, FL?

Christian Counseling For Teenage Girls Estero Florida FL 

As its classification implies, Christian counseling is a Jesus-centered method that combines the word of God and contemporary psychiatry to treat those with mental health-related problems. Christian counseling requires formal one-on-one therapy concourses and faith-based communications when treating an individual, unlike conventional psychiatry and therapeutics.

That said, Christian therapists, or psychiatrists, are also comparable to regular counselors in many ways. For instance, an accredited Christian counselor diagnose and manage mental illnesses with the same accreditation as a worldly mental health advocate. The only difference between the two mental health services is that Christian counselors also address their patient's spiritual needs. 

According to the International Association of Biblical Counselors  

(AIABC), Christian therapists "seek to thoughtfully identify those areas in which a Christian may be challenging to the principles and commands of Scripture and to help him learn how to submit to Jesus' will. Christian counselors, therefore, do approach psychiatric science, albeit through a biblical lens." The authority of AIABC also asserts that the only differentiation between secular and Christian therapy is that Christian counselors, while competent in modern psychiatry and psychotherapy, are driven by the Bible as their therapeutic incentive. 

As it correlates to troubled teenage girls, Christian counseling is verifiably demonstrated to be effective in restoring mental and behavioral health in their patients -- even more so than secular psychology.  

Why Many of Today's Parents Choose Christian Counseling over Secular Treatment

As we've already related, Christian counseling is comparable and divergent to secular medicine, both in its treatment composition and ideological framework. Proponents of Christian-based medicine contest that Christ-based therapy is preferred to material treatment because temporal counseling bases its applications on the latest psychological constructions and societal models. Proponents of biblical therapy claim that psychological trends are invariably changing, making it immensely challenging to adequately treat the root condition of any mental health-related issue. However, this is not the case for Christian counseling. 

Whereas secular counseling is based on the stereotypically marking of an individual into a cookie-cutter gauge, biblical therapy is based on steadfast faith in the word of God, whose message, by nature, is invariably constant. Advocates for Christ-centered medicine also point out that where materialistic treatment fundamentally fails is that, without the direction of Christ, it cannot identify, and therefore treat, the motives behind a troubled teen's self-destructive responses.   

Jesus, the Son of God in obedience to His Father GAVE His LIFE to save those who did not deserve it, that’s you and I. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit referred to this incredible gift as GRACE.

"Then He *said to them, “My soul is deeply grieved, to the point of death; remain here and keep watch with Me. And He went a little beyond them, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will.” Mathew 26:38-39

Substance Abuse Issues

Teenage girls living in the Estero, FL area are part of the most at-risk demographic for experimentation and becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol. Several contributing aspects cause teenage girls to hold a high proclivity to abuse harmful drugs and alcohol.

However, the most familiar and dangerous factor is that girls are also much likelier to form a mental illness than any other demographic, including adolescent boys of similar age. Due to their elevated predisposition to develop a mental condition, teenage girls often turn to drugs and alcohol as a form of self-medication. 

Ephesians 2:22 "in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit."

If left uncontrolled, teen girls and young women from Estero, FL with drug abuse problems are at risk of forming life-long habits, getting into harsh legal problems, and even meeting fatal consequences in extreme circumstances. It is highly suggested that parents seek out Christian counseling services that specialize in drug abuse treatment.

According to studies, faith-based rehabilitation treatment and counseling extensively lower the general risk of regression. This demonstrates that the outcomes of Christian recovery are not hypothetical; they're entirely real.

Ephesians 4:23 "and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind,"


Post-traumatic stress is one of the most agonizing mental health-related problems a teen girl from Estero, FL can ever encounter. Despite the aphorism that tells us "time heals all injuries," trauma is something that one never entirely overcomes. However, with intensive counseling with the right therapist, teenage girls can manage the anxiety, despair, and pressure that trauma unfailingly renders.

Romans 8:26 "In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words;"

Like drug abuse-related issues, meta-research has shown that faith-based intervention is more influential in treating trauma than nonreligious therapy. Therefore, it is highly advised that parents from ~regoin~ whose daughter is influenced by traumatic anxiety utilize Christian counseling services or a residential treatment center that delivers intensive 24-hour Christian therapy.

Mental Health Resources for Troubled Youth in Estero, FL

Families from Estero, FL, exploring direction for their troubled child, trust the support that MasterNet provides for teenage girls who may be taking part in dilemmas related to internet addiction (social media, porn, YouTube), sexual abuse, or eating disorder. Here at MasterNet, our professional clinicians have a deep and wise understanding of the issues that troubled teen girls from Estero, FL are suffering from every day. With dedication and expertise, our team provides support to our struggling young clients, so they may recognize and deal with their meth abuse/addiction or drug dependence in a way that is both healthy and productive. We specialize in a variety of relevant residential treatment strategies (equine, life training, behavioral therapy), that is based on a solid trifecta of trust and respect. Through this approach, we inspire an internally motivated remediation that lasts a lifetime.

The treatment program at MasterNet is in a natural setting, offering a serene environment free of distractions. The objective here at MasterNet is to assist, guide, and coach parents with a vulnerable and struggling child; through an incredibly difficult time. MasterNet is here to help parents and struggling teen girls from Estero, FL! There is hope... and you are not alone. MasterNet’s vision is to facilitate remediation and peace; all while transforming the emotional and mental health of teenage girls from Estero, FL. We strive to see your struggling child make a triumphant and full transition into an independent adult, living a life of happiness and dignity.

Contact MasterNet today at (435) 574-4518; and allow our family consultants to answer any questions about our enrollment fees, insurance affiliations, or proximity to Estero, FL. Make MasterNet and their therapeutic boarding school a life-changing and memorable experience for both your family and your struggling child!

“Light arises in the darkness for the upright; He is gracious and compassionate and righteous. It is well with the man who is gracious and lends; He will maintain his cause in judgment. For he will never be shaken; The righteous will be remembered forever. He will not fear evil tidings; His heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. His heart is upheld, he will not fear, Until he looks with satisfaction on his adversaries. He has given freely to the poor, His righteousness endures forever; His horn will be exalted in honor.” Psalms 112:4-9