
Equine Therapy Programs for Troubled Teenage Girls From Cleveland, TX 

Equine Therapy Programs for Troubled Girls Cleveland Texas TX

Equine-assisted therapy (EAT) is a class of animal-assisted therapy (AAT) that includes grooming, feeding, and sometimes riding a pony in order to tackle underlying mental health-related problems of at-risk adolescent females(from Cleveland, TX and beyond). With it being in high demand, equine therapy has included residential treatment programs that use it as their therapeutic approach. These facilities are aptly named equine therapy programs for troubled teens for girls. 

Why is Equine Therapy Effective in Treating Troubled Teens?  

Equine therapy (as many parents from Cleveland, TX can attest) adequately treats teenage girls whose underlying problems induce them to act out in self-destructive behaviors -- and for several different reasons. One of the reasons the treatment is so efficient lies in its capacity to reach guarded teens who are generally apprehensive when opening up to counselors face-to-face. 

More specifically, EAT can generate a natural healing cushion between a teen and a therapist. The teen in question is required to focus on the demands and care of their horse. Meanwhile, the therapist can deliver a therapeutic assembly that effectively allows the teen to momentarily drop their guard and receive healing psychotherapy where other more traditional means would inevitably fail. 

Also, adolescents can learn invaluable strategies and hone lacking characteristics while involved in equine-assisted therapy. For instance, by taking care of their designated horse, at-risk adolescent girls can develop empathy, self-confidence and expand their self-worth -- all qualities that, if honed, significantly cultivate therapeutic restoration. 

It’s no surprise that equine-assisted psychotherapy has become as popular as it is today, or many reputable residential treatment centers are starting to employ the therapy’s dynamic and unique capacity to reach troubled teenage girls from Cleveland, TX.

Why Do Equine Therapy Programs Utilize Horses in Their Treatments? 

Equine therapy is a times’ old practice that can track its origins back for centuries. To say horse-assisted therapy is a dynamic treatment is an understatement. Contemporary equine therapy applications are scientifically verified to effectively treat psychiatric issues such as generalized to severe depression, clinical anxiety, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, reactive attachment disorder (RAD), and other varying levels of mental, emotional, and behavioral health-related symptoms.

Due to its natural healing properties, many residential treatment centers known as Equine Therapy Programs have since used the treatment as their core mental health treatment curriculum. 

Equine-Assisted Interventions' Therapeutic Impact on Teenage Girls from Cleveland, TX 

While Equine-Assisted Therapy in Cleveland, TX is equally effective in healing any demographic, it is particularly efficient for teenage girls. Particularly, animal-assisted intervention therapies are clinically proven to promote teens' emotional, mental, and social states of well-being.

2 Corinthians 4:4 “in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”

A joint study from 2004 titled, 'Can Creatures Aid and Assist Humans in Recovery? Animal-Assisted Therapies in At-Risk Teenage Mental Health' proposes that AAT, namely, equines helps develop the following (in teenage girls from Cleveland, TX): 

  • Generalized anxiety and depressive disorders
  • Correspondence between patient and therapist
  • Understanding and recognition in treatment
  • Persistent social conducts

The interconnected study found initial evidence that animal-assisted therapy (horses in particular) for adolescents" (including teens from Cleveland, TX) catalyze learning, consolation sources, and outlets for nurturance."

Similar studies have shown that animal-assisted therapy can also help treat teens who have struggled with socializing. 

Mark 11:24 “Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you.”

It is typical for mental health-related occurrences, such as depression or stress, to negatively affect the part of a teen's brain that enables them to interact with others constructively. But interestingly, this portion of the brain is unchanged when it comes to interacting with animals.

Consequently, when clinically anti-social teens are introduced to an animal during therapy sessions, they are more easily able to access that otherwise shut-off part of their brain - allowing them to experience traditional therapy with a psychiatric professional successfully. 

Mental Health Counseling in Cleveland, TX for Struggling Teenage Girls

Families from Cleveland, TX have made MasterNet their first choice for child recovery and support. Parents, investigating assistance for their child, can expect a team of compassionate, licensed therapists and leaders here at MasterNet. MasterNet operates from the understanding that "recovery" must come from the inside-out, not from the outside-in. We are devoted to the life skills development and experiential education for all teenage girls, who may be wrestling with gender dysphoria, pornography addiction (online or magazines), or separation anxiety challenges, but also the entire family; with the support they need for lasting recovery.

MasterNet recognizes that the circumstances of one at-risk child does not always apply to other girls. As a result, our expert therapists are devoted to the administration of each student’s needs; a commitment illustrated by their expert professionalism and sympathy. Here at MasterNet, we include the entire family (especially the parents) in the process of our student’s therapy, recovery, and progress.

Our purpose is to see your at-risk child make a successful transition into adulthood, while living independently as a dignified young adult. Don’t hesitate to contact MasterNet’s intake counselors for more information regarding enrollment, tuition, and insurance options. For testimonials from current and past MasterNet families, reach out to our team; call one of our licensed intake counselors at (435) 574-4518, and discover how we can offer a variety of relevant residential treatment strategies (equine, life training, behavioral therapy) for your struggling child today!

“The Lord lives, and blessed be my rock; And exalted be the God of my salvation, The God who executes vengeance for me, And subdues peoples under me. He delivers me from my enemies; Surely You lift me above those who rise up against me; You rescue me from the violent man. Therefore I will give thanks to You among the nations, O Lord, And I will sing praises to Your name.” Psalms 18:46