
What Are Equine Therapy Programs for Troubled Teen Girls From the City of Whiskey Creek, FL

Equine-Assisted Therapy (EAT) is an Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) that has become increasingly popular with parents of troubled teens in recent years. The treatment involves feeding, grooming, taking care of, and in some cases, riding horses under the watchful eye of a therapist who incorporates horse-related activities in therapeutic sessions.

EAT programs are residential programs that apply equine therapy in their everyday treatment of troubled girls whose out-of-control behaviors and lacking mental health have caused them to lose control of their life.  

Equine Therapy Programs for Troubled Girls Whiskey Creek Florida FL

So, Why Is Equine Therapy Productive? 

Equine therapy, while relatively new in the arena of troubled teen behavioral health, is an ancient practice that can trace its origins back to millennia -- ancient Greece, to be exact. To say EAT is times' tested effective form of treatment is an understatement. 

Today's modern usage of equine therapy (as it pertains to troubled teens) is drastically different than where it once started. Still, it is nonetheless an exciting treatment that is being retooled to revolutionize the troubled teen treatment industry. 

According to numerous studies, the applications of equine therapy have thus far have proven effective in treating severe and complex behavioral and mental illnesses, including: 

  • PTSD
  • OCD
  • Reactive Attachment Disorder
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Low-Self Esteem
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Due to its natural healing qualities, many residential treatment centers known as Equine Therapy Programs have since gone on to use the treatment as their core mental health treatment curriculum. 

Why Is Equine Therapy Effective? 

There are many reasons why EAT effectively treats mental health issues in teens (including those from Whiskey Creek, FL). That said, many behavioral authorities and supporters of the treatment often point to equine therapy's ability to therapeutically affect teens in a less threatening way as to why it is impactful in reaching hard-to-treat troubled youth. In other words, whereas most troubled youth may feel as though they are under a microscope during one-on-one therapy sessions, those engaging in equine therapy find the buffer of the horse between them and a counselor as refreshingly less threatening. 

Equine-Assisted Interventions' Therapeutic Impact on Teenage Girls from Whiskey Creek, FL 

While Equine-Assisted Therapy in Whiskey Creek, FL is equally effective in healing any demographic, it is particularly efficient for teenage girls. Particularly, animal-assisted intervention therapies are clinically proven to promote teens' emotional, mental, and social states of well-being.

2 Corinthians 4:4 “in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”

A joint study from 2004 titled, 'Can Creatures Aid and Assist Humans in Recovery? Animal-Assisted Therapies in At-Risk Teenage Mental Health' proposes that AAT, namely, equines helps develop the following (in teenage girls from Whiskey Creek, FL): 

  • Generalized anxiety and depressive disorders
  • Correspondence between patient and therapist
  • Understanding and recognition in treatment
  • Persistent social conducts

The interconnected study found initial evidence that animal-assisted therapy (horses in particular) for adolescents" (including teens from Whiskey Creek, FL) catalyze learning, consolation sources, and outlets for nurturance."

Similar studies have shown that animal-assisted therapy can also help treat teens who have struggled with socializing. 

Mark 11:24 “Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you.”

It is typical for mental health-related occurrences, such as depression or stress, to negatively affect the part of a teen's brain that enables them to interact with others constructively. But interestingly, this portion of the brain is unchanged when it comes to interacting with animals.

Consequently, when clinically anti-social teens are introduced to an animal during therapy sessions, they are more easily able to access that otherwise shut-off part of their brain - allowing them to experience traditional therapy with a psychiatric professional successfully. 

Mental Health Guidance in Whiskey Creek, FL for Troubled Teens

Families from Whiskey Creek, FL have made MasterNet their first choice for child change and guidance. Parents, looking for help for their child, can expect a team of compassionate, expert practitioners and leaders here at MasterNet. MasterNet operates from the understanding that "change" must come from the inside-out, not from the outside-in. We are devoted to the life skills development and experiential education for all adolescents, who may be struggling with depressive disorder, technology addiction (social media, cell phone), or divorce reaction problems, but also the entire family; with the guidance they need for lasting change.

Our practitioners are devoted to not only giving guidance to our clients in need, but also the whole family; with the care and commitment required for full change. It is our desire to assist, guide, and coach parents from Whiskey Creek, FL, with a troubled child, through a very difficult time. MasterNet is here to serve! There is hope... and you are not alone. The vision of MasterNet is to bring forth peace while rehabilitating emotional health for at-risk teen girls from Whiskey Creek, FL.

In short, the practitioners at MasterNet are skilled at supporting troubled adolescents from Whiskey Creek, FL with lasting change. As a premier therapeutic boarding school, we offer a variety of relevant residential treatment strategies (equine, life training, behavioral therapy), outdoor recreation and adventure therapy, and life skills development and experiential education; leading our clients to a healthy, balanced life. If you feel you may benefit from our therapeutic boarding school, we encourage you to contact our intake counselors as the first step to creating lasting change in your at-risk child’s life. We provide guidance to vulnerable teenage girls from Whiskey Creek, FL. Call us at (435) 574-4518 to speak with one of our knowledgeable intake counselors today!

“A worthless man digs up evil, While his words are like scorching fire. A perverse man spreads strife, And a slanderer separates intimate friends.” Proverbs 16:27-28