
What are Wilderness Therapy Programs for Troubled Teens in Five Corners, WA?

Residential treatment centers come in various forms - transitional living, boarding schools, lockdown treatment programs (e.g., boot camps), etc. For decades, traditional treatment centers like these were almost the exclusive options for parents of troubled teens from Five Corners, WA.

Wilderness Therapy for Troubled Teen Girls Five Corners Washington WA

However, in the last 20 years, new age adventure-based treatment, namely wilderness therapy programs, has gone from obscure to widely popular among parents looking for today's most contemporary and cutting-edge form of behavioral therapy.

Some behavioral experts suggest that due to its unique environment and usage of contemporary treatment strategies, wilderness therapy is most effective for teens from Five Corners, WA who have had little success with more conventional treatments, such as one-on-one therapy, traditional residential treatment, and drugs alcohol rehabilitation.

There are several types of wilderness therapy programs that offer adventure-based therapy to varying demographics. The industry's most prevalent and widely targeted demographic, however, is that of troubled teens.

The Unfortunate Truth About Some of the Nation's Wilderness Therapy Programs Near Five Corners, WA

Some Wilderness Therapy Programs are Exceedingly Expensive

According to a March 2020 survey conducted by the website, All Kinds of Therapy, there are currently 28 industry-recognized wilderness therapy programs in the United States. 

Unfortunately, the average cost of these programs is $558.00 per day, while the average enrollment fee is a steep $3,194.

According to the site, the average price of a wilderness therapy program has gone up 9% since 2017, while the enrollment fee has skyrocketed over 28%.

What makes these prices so steep, however, is the fact that most wilderness therapy programs operate as a preliminary treatment facility that primes its campers for residential treatment upon finishing the program - leaving parents to pay for two separate programs and transportation services (from a transport agency) to transport their child from one program to another safely.

After all, is said and done, parents might end up paying several thousands of dollars just in transportation fees.

(According to the latest data, the only type of programs most insurance companies will give coverage are residential treatment centers, namely, therapeutic boarding schools.)

Parents should also know that many traditionally styled forms of treatment, such as therapeutic boarding schools near Five Corners, WA and residential treatment centers, provide aspects of wilderness therapy (sometimes called adventure-based therapy), but house their teens in an indoor facility.

These traditional programs are best suited for teens who might not be physically or emotionally mature enough to trek the challenging environment of wilderness therapy. 

Matthew 11:29-30 "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

While full-time wilderness therapy programs near Five Corners, WA can be potentially dangerous, many safer alternative residential treatment programs utilize aspects of wilderness therapy (such as engaging in outdoor activities for therapeutic purposes) but house their teenage residents indoors. Programs that use certain elements of wilderness therapy include therapeutic boarding schools, residential treatment centers, and even group homes.  

What Does Science Have to Say About Wilderness Therapy Near Five Corners, WA? 

Regarding even the trendiest treatment models for troubled teens living in the city of Five Corners, WA, efficacy and science-backed empirical evidence truly matter. However, due to the constant and natural changes in teen-related studies, direct evidence is hard to come by. Studies in behavior, trends, and effective forms of treatment often take years, and government spending is unfortunately rarely spent on teenagers. 

Since we can’t rely on unbiased and bipartisan-led scientific studies from our government – which is highly preferred in gathering scientific data – we must look to more localized organizations, like the Outdoor Behavioral Health Council. 

1 Peter 5:10 “After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory IN CHRIST, WILL HIMSELF perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.”

Statistical caveats aside, the OBH (an outdoor behavioral healthcare program that “gathers evidence-based research on wilderness programs”) states that quality wilderness therapy has a higher average in successfully treating troubled teens' behavioral and mental health issues. 

They also found that despite the inherent dangers of living in the wilderness, on average, wilderness therapy programs near Five Corners, WA are statistically safer for teens than living at home and attending public high school.

"Now to Him who can do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen." Ephesians 3:20 

In addition to addressing specific challenges, these programs also focus on equipping teens with practical life skills and promoting personal development. This may involve teaching communication skills, conflict resolution strategies, decision-making skills, and self-care practices that align with Christian values and principles.

Ephesians 6:17 “And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

Christian wilderness therapy programs foster a supportive community environment where teens can connect with peers with similar struggles and beliefs. The community provides a sense of belonging, encouragement, and accountability, helping teens develop healthy relationships and support systems.

John 15:7 “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”

It is important to note that the effectiveness of a Christian wilderness therapy program near Five Corners, WA can vary depending on the individual and the specific program. Parents or guardians should thoroughly research and choose a reputable program that aligns with their values and meets the specific needs of their troubled teen.

Philippians 2:5 "Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus,"

Mental Health Resources for Struggling Teenage Girls from Five Corners, WA

MasterNet is the optimal choice for parents from Five Corners, WA who are exploring a top therapeutic boarding school to deliver support for their troubled child taking part in internet addiction (social media, porn, YouTube), reaction to a divorce, or eating disorder related challenges. Since it can be difficult to work with highly resistant teen girls, most programs rely heavily upon level systems, punishments, and other disciplinary tactics in order to manage a teen girl’s behavior. Here at MasterNet, we recognize that the situation of one troubled child may not apply to all of our young clients.

Our clinicians are dedicated to not only offering direction to our young clients in need, but also the whole family; with the care and commitment required for full remediation. It is our desire to assist, guide, and coach parents from Five Corners, WA, with a struggling child, through a very difficult time. MasterNet is here to serve! There is hope... and you are not alone. The vision of MasterNet is to bring forth peace while restoring emotional health for troubled teenage girls from Five Corners, WA.

Because we specialize in a variety of relevant residential treatment strategies (equine, life training, behavioral therapy) and offer outdoor recreation and adventure therapy, troubled teenage girls can grow to be healthy adults, and MasterNet’s young clients can emerge as strong people who are motivated to succeed. MasterNet recognizes that the entire family needs the direction that our professional clinicians deliver; so that your child can be rehabilitated and whole. MasterNet’s family consultants can be reached immediately at (435) 574-4518.

“You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44